
Annual & Extraordinary General Meetings

In alignment with the club constitution, the club will undertake an Annual General Meeting for all of its members.

The AGM will be held no later than 15 months from the previous AGM and will be held in person, unless under extreme conditions or restrictions in which case it may be held online.

Should the need arise, intra-year general meetings may be held, following the same structure as AGMs - these are referred to as Extraordinary General Meetings.

The AGM / EGM are presided over by the club chair and club secretary with support from other committee members as the need arises. It is however expected that in ALL cases, the full committee be present at the AGM / EGM unless exceptional circumstances arise. It is encouraged that all members also attend as it is their time to hear club developments or challenge decisions. A minimum of 28 days notice or an AGM is given to all members through their primary contact point provided to the club.

Information packs to support the AGM / EGM are prepared at the descretion of the committee and made available to all members. Minutes and supporting information packs are then made available to all members to refer back to, or read if unable to attend in person.

2023 AGM Pack

Annual General Meeting

2023 AGM Pack
2024 AGM Pack

Annual General Meeting

2024 AGM Pack
2023 AGM Minutes

Annual General Meeting

2023 AGM Minutes
2024 AGM Minutes

Annual General Meeting

2024 AGM Minutes

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