Trackchat Pricing options

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  • Online card services
  • Returns & Refunds
  • Online transactions handling

Get your Club online today - FREE 30 day trial

Choose a club package that is right for you
Try it out, Explore. No charge for 30 days

Club packs

CLUB service packs provide you with a Trackchat account suitable for managing a club. If you are a business or an individual (independant or member of a club or clubs), select a different service pack (BUSINESS or SOLO respectively).

Club management

You have the ability to create a club profile, define training and exercise groups and sessions, and prepare your profile for members, both existing and new. Club-level membership management and permissions, chats & magazines, dedicated club feed for your club members to share within the club in a safe and secure way

Promotion & Advertising

The ability to create digital advertising campaigns to promote club events, news, defining the target audience across all clubs, businesses and individuals. Advertising based on usage tokens giving you control over cost and exposure

Track & Trace, Safeguarding

Tracking allows the club to manage member attendance through simple to use sign-in and sign-out tools. Tracing and analytics tools allow you to see session attendance, with immediate access to emergency contact points, pertinent medical info and visibility of signed in/out; all essentials for Safeguarding. Historical tracing data is also available to support the "Track & Trace" directives

  • Club Website
  • Membership Management
  • Groups Management
  • Club Social Network
  • Advertising Tools
  • Track & Trace
  • Domains & Email
  • Welfare Tools
  • Online Payments
  • Transaction Fees
  • Reporting
  • No 3rd Party Promotions
  • Priority Support


For any club in need of a fully featured Track & Trace Safeguarding offering


Ideal for small to medium sized clubs having access to all key features


Fully featured package for clubs without limits

Running on a tight budget and need a presence in the digital world?

We can offer a FREE club pack that gives you the bare essentials to get going
(£0 charged at check-out, annual subscription)


Compare the club pack features in more detail

  • Club Website
    • Club logo & colours
    • Design templates
    • Devolved content publishing
  • Membership management
    • Registration forms
    • Multi membership
    • Members limit
    • Management workflow
    • Member dashboard
  • Track & Trace
    • Kiosk sign-in / out
    • Trace activity
    • Reports & Analytics
  • Club Social Network
    • @MyClub profile page
    • Unlimited videos
    • Unlimited photos
    • Unlimited events
    • Unlimited articles
    • Sharing & Trending
    • Online magazines
    • Devolved editing
  • Advertising Tools
    • Campaign manager
    • Campaigns
    • Monthly credits
  • Groups Management
    • Number of groups
    • Session management
    • Flexible age categorisation
  • Domains & Email
    • Domain name
    • Club email accounts
    • Club email forwarding
    • SSL certificate
  • Welfare Tools
    • License monitoring
    • DBS monitoring
    • First Aid monitoring
    • Medical & ECN
  • Online Payments
    • Transaction fees from
    • Credit & Debit cards
    • Tracking & Reporting
  • Reporting
    • Usage analytics
    • Committee reports
    • Club dashboard
  • Advertising
    • No takeover advertising
    • No video advertising
    • No banner advertising
    • No sponsored content
  • Support
    • Online support
    • Priority response




  • Standard
  • Customisable
  • 5000
  • 0
  • 20
  • 5
  • 10
  • 2.8% + 20p
  • 30 day Trial
  • Subscribe


  • Custom
  • Customisable
  • 9000
  • 50
  • 1000
  • 15
  • 20
  • 2.3% + 20p
  • 30 day Trial
  • Subscribe

Solo packs

SOLO service packs provide you with a Trackchat account, suitable for the majority of people. Whether you are linked to clubs or an individual, SOLO is for you. If you are a business or manage a club, select a different service pack (BUSINESS or CLUB respectively).


Being able to contribute photos, videos, stories, news and quips safetly and share within communities. Maybe you write a news article about your latest sporting achievement, or just want to share a joke with your friends and clubmates. You post your chat to your Trackchat feed, then share.


Chats can be shared within communities. You can also create magazines - collections of favourite chats grouped together and presented in the form of a magazine.


You may be wondering what a Quip is?..."Quip", meaning a clever or witty remark or comment. Rather than just posting pictures or videos, you have the ability to post quips, typically accompanied by a picture that you can then share.


  • Dashboard
  • Social networking
  • Co-editing
  • Proximity sharing
  • Chats, Quips
  • Magazines

Business packs

BUSINESS service packs provide you with a Trackchat account, suitable for promoting your business. If you are managing a club or an individual (independant or member of a club or clubs), select a different service pack (CLUB or SOLO respectively).

3rd Party Integration

All Business packs support 3rd Party Portal integration (a chargable add-on for the Lite pack). It allows easy integration of user defined and filtered Trackchat content with external services including existing websites.

Promotion & Advertising

Available to all Business packs, the ability to create digital advertising campaigns to promote your business, defining your target audience across all clubs, businesses and individuals. Advertising based on usage tokens giving you control over cost and exposure.

Proud to be Local

Coming soon as a Value Added Service, the ability to promote your business within your local community - promoting the "Buy Local" ethos.


  • All features of Solo PLUS
  • Digital Advertising (0 credits/month)
  • Advertising campaigns (unlimited)

Service boosters


Where applicable, the optional service boosters can be purchased at any point in the duration of your service pack. There is no limit to the number of boosters that can be consumed.

Buy Now

All service boosters are a one-time charge and take immediate effect. They will last for the duration of the service pack or until they are exhaused whichever is first. They carry no residual value if a service pack subscription is ceased or expires.


To enable Digital Advertising, advertising credits are needed. As an advertising campaign runs and your advert gets Aired so the amount of credits available to you will reduce. The rate of credit consumption will depend on the campaign created. Some Trackchat service packs include a monthly allowance of credits. These will accumulate each subscription period.

Digital Advertising credit boost top-up

Boost 1K

  • Digital Advertising (1000 Credits)
Digital Advertising credit boost top-up

Boost 2K

  • Digital Advertising (2000 Credits)
Digital Advertising credit boost top-up

Boost 5K

  • Digital Advertising (5000 Credits)